This sleeper went right in the wash! |
The age at which to start solids is another controversy. Do you start pablum at 3 months in the evenings to help with sleep? Do you wait until 6 months? Does waiting increase or decrease the chances of developing allergies? This is another thing doctors do not agree on. I started right at 4 months because of my low milk supply. Dr. Newman says that starting solids early is better than introducing formula, so thats what I did. He also told me that pablum is too high in iron and isn't absorbed into the body well and to avoid it. I didn't listen to him there. Asher likes the taste and enjoys it so I give it to him mixed with prunes (yummy :s).
So who do you listen to? Your doctor? Best friend? Mother? Grandma? I chose to take all the information in and listen to myself. I know whats best for my baby. He loves his food and is very happy while eating. My problem is that he puts his hands to his mouth after every spoonful which creates a huge mess!
Momstown Milton recently had a baby food exchange. We all brought mass quantities of our favourite food and shared with the other moms. It was nice to take home several types of baby foods and only prepare one. Women should do that more often. Every mom puts a lot of work into the purees because they want the same quality in return. You know you are able to feed your baby something nutritious with the help of other moms. Lets be honest its not just about the babies. We got to sit and chat about all the questions I listed above while our babies drooled all over one another.
So good luck in starting solids ladies! I hope your experience goes a lot less messy than mine!
The way you write is perfect. Asher is such a cute little guy and he has lots of love around him...prunes...yum